Friday, February 12, 2016

Night Lover by Rosanna Leo


Canadian soprano Renata Bruno is tired of waiting for her big break. Unfortunately, her boss, the conductor of a chamber ensemble, sees her as little more than background material. When she learns of an opportunity to sing solo with a different troupe in England, she knows she must seize it. Especially when she hears the group is to perform Mozart's Requiem, her favorite work.
As soon as Renata decides to make her move, a strange, sultry presence invades her life. She begins dreaming of a man, one who makes love to her, bewitching her. It isn't long before her night lover leaves startling proof of his nocturnal presence, making her doubt her senses.
To compound her discomfort, she learns her new conductor is the college boyfriend who broke her heart years ago. As Renata grapples with old hurts and renewed passion, she must also fend off the increasingly fervent advances of her night-time visitor. She realizes she is under the influence of an incubus, a sexual demon.
It becomes  to resist the incubus when she learns he has a name and had a tragic history. The more she discovers about his past, the more she realizes they are linked in more ways than one. Renata begins to rediscover love and her sense of faith, but will it be enough to save her night lover from an evil curse? And will it destroy her in the process?

My Review - 5 Stars!

Okay, I am ashamed to admit that I let this book sit in my TBR pile a wee bit longer than I should have. I am not a huge fan of regency era romances and even though it only had a few parts set in that time I still drug my feet. I knew better than to doubt Rosanna's talent and yet I continued to make excuses. *smacks head on desk* And then I had a slow day at work and decided, okay, enough lollygagging, crack open this book and give it a chance. I opened up my kindle app and strategically placed my phone on my desk (can't let the boss see me slacking) and started in on it. I was instantly hooked! What an intriguing storyline! This was a departure from what Rosanna usually writes and she did and absolute fantastic job of it!

Renata is a professional soprano that always seems to get passed over for the solo positions until a phone call from an old friend lands her the lead role singing Mozart's Requiem at a musical festival in England. What her friend doesn't share with her is that the conductor of the festival is her old flame, Finn. He was the love of her life in college and she was devastated when he left her to complete his studies overseas. Now she is forced to work with him again while trying to pretend that she doesn't still have feelings for him. During all this Renata is dealing with a nighttime visitor that is turning into something more than just a dream. Her increasing passionate encounters with Hugh are leaving her exhausted and drained of energy.

Finn has always regretted letting Renata go and now that she is back in his life he plans on doing whatever it takes to win her heart again. What he soon finds out is that it is more than just a fight for her heart, it's going to be a fight for Renata's life itself.

I figured this would be a clean cut, good guy (Finn) and bad guy (Hugh) type of story. Wow, was I totally wrong! As I learned more of Hugh's backstory I, like Renata, started falling in love with him. His life and death were beyond tragic and I found myself torn between Finn and Hugh. I couldn't decide who I wanted to win Renata! They both deserved a happy ending, but Hugh especially, needed one! *sobs* I swear, I felt my heart literally breaking in two at one point in the story. I won't go in to anymore detail from here because I want you to read the book for yourself and experience all the ups and downs like I did. Just note that this is a more serious story than Rosanna's others. I didn't have any LOL moments but it wasn't an over the top angsty read either. There were also plenty of smexy times because Hugh is an incubus, so yeah... *fans face* And Finn had a delightfully naughty side that totally surprised me, You go, Finn! *RAWR* All in all, Night Lover was a beautiful, heart wrenching, soul redeeming epic read! Fantastic job Rosanna!

*I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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Author Bio:

Rosanna Leo is a multi-published romance author with Samhain Publishing, Liquid Silver Books and Hartwood Publishing. Winner of the Reader's Choice in Paranormal Romance 2015 at The Romance Reviews, Rosanna draws on her love of mythology and the paranormal world for many of her books. Several of her works have been named Top Pick at The Romance Reviews and Night Owl Romance. When not writing, she can be found haunting dusty library stacks or planning her next star-crossed love affair. Born and bred in Toronto, Canada, Rosanna often injects a bit of Canada into her stories. Connect with her at

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